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Clement Family Dentistry

Drew Clement

850 North Canal Blvd., Thibodaux,LA,
70301,United States

Dr. Drew Clement and his staff are highly trained and have years of experience in several areas of dentistry. Our team is excellent in regular hygiene appointments, where we exam your teeth and conduct a deep, professional cleaning with a good preventive program which includes treatments such as sealants, fluoride and other preventive measures. We also provide you with good home care to help you maintain healthy teeth and gums!

Our Services Include Esthetic Dentistry, which includes: porcelain crowns, veneers, whitening, natural-looking fillings, dental implants (placement and restorative), endodontics (Root Canal treatment), Invisalign (orthodontic treatment), periododontics (gum disease), Bridges, wisdom teeth extractions and dentures.

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