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TownePlace Suites by Marriott Atlanta Kennesaw

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1074 Cobb Place Boulevard N.W., Kennesaw,Georgia,
30144,United States

Make yourself at home when you stay at TownePlace Suites Atlanta Kennesaw, featuring everything you need to live life uninterrupted. Enjoy our convenient location in Northwest Atlanta, minutes away from Kennesaw State University, historic hot spots and premier shopping at Town Center at Cobb and The Avenue West Cobb. After a day on the town, kick back in our recently renovated studio, one- or two-bedroom suites, setting you up for a successful extended stay. Our hotel rooms feature full-size kitchens, comfortable pillowtop mattresses and convenient workspaces. During your visit, enjoy complimentary amenities including high-speed Wi-Fi, available in all suites and public spaces, and our breakfast buffet with healthy and hearty options. On-site recreational amenities include an outdoor pool and a fitness center with cardio equipment and free weights for a brisk but meaningful workout. Whether coming to town for business or leisure, start packing for a successful getaway at TownePlace Suites Atlanta Kennesaw.

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