Electronics and Telecom >> Lighting >> hydro2you.co.uk


John Smith

flat 34 new house 67-68 hatton,Garden London,
EC1N 8JY,United Kingdom

Online hydroponic supplies from www.hydro2you.co.uk offering free delivery across the whole of the united kingdom. Stocking ranges of nutrient including Advanced nutrients, Canna and Plagron. If its a lighting solution you’re looking for all the latest lines and options are available be it one of the newest styles of LED grow light panel, hps,cfl or even neon.

Covering your grow from seed to harvest, One of the most fragile times during a grow cycle is usually the first week or two when baby plants or seeds can be extremely fragile. It’s vital the correct balance of heat light and food is continually provided at this critical stage to ensure your plants get off to the best start in life. We have found that most of or customers feed their plants a watered down food mix during the first few days. Usually around a 50% reduction in nutrient mix is surfactant then increase the concentration as the crop starts to develop. It’s also often advisable to keep lights slightly higher than usual when the crop is especially young as heat damage can easily occur.

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