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Active Living Chiropractic

Justin Bartlett

601 University Blvd Suite #208,FL,
33458,United States

Diversified – One of the most common practices of adjusting the joints. This includes the neck, upper back, mid back, low back, pelvis, hips, knees, ankles, feet, shoulders, elbows, wrists, and hands. Using this adjusting technique is how he likes to help balance and normalize the nervous system.
Applied Kinesiology – He uses this to diagnose and know the best way to treat an area under stress. This is better described above.
MRT Food Sensitivity Testing – If you are struggling with chronic inflammation, intestinal problems (IBS, Crohn’s, Colitis, etc.), and are having a tough time losing weight, it could be due to a food sensitivity problem. By identifying the foods that your body does not like, we can help you eliminate those foods and get you on a proper diet to reduce the inflammation, GI upsets, and weight loss problems you may have been struggling with all your life.
Nutrition – Dr. Bartlett knows that if the brain, muscles, ligaments, glands, and organs are not getting the proper nutrients, healing will be hindered and the body will not be able to function like it is supposed to. With each patient being different, he uses multiple supplement companies, including: Metagenics, Biotics Research, Standard Process, Xymogen, Chiro-zyme (aka Enzyme Formulations), Nutri-west, Thorne, Energique, and a few others. He has found that not every body works the same, just like not every supplement works the same or has the correct nutrient balance for that patient, so the nutrition protocol is created uniquely for each individual patient based on their body’s needs. If you’ve been taking a supplement and it hasn’t been working the way it is supposed to, it could be that you need a different form of the nutrient or different concentrations. If the patient has hormone imbalances, nutritional deficiencies can be the cause of these (as well as food sensitivities listed above) and can be corrected by taking the proper nutrients.

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