Health and Personal Care >> Dentistry >> Susan Millar Dental

Susan Millar Dental

Susan Millar

17692 Beach Blvd Ste 205,California,
92647,United States

Dr. Susan Millar has been practicing dentistry for over 20 years. She received a Bachelor of Science in Biology from Cal Poly in 1988 then attended University of California at San Francisco and there received her Doctorate of Dental Science in 1992. Now owning dental clinic with her name.

Services that we offer

Preventive and General Treatments
Dental Implants with Cone Beam Imaging
Invisible Braces
Bridges and Crowns
Cosmetic Dentistry & Veneers
Root Canals
Tooth Wear and Night Guards
Ill Fitting Dentures
Third Molar (Wisdom teeth) Extractions

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