Health and Personal Care >> Counseling >> Winzai Amadi Counseling

Winzai Amadi Counseling

Silvia landrum

700 B Squires Pointe,SC,
29334,United States

All therapists are different and utilize a variety of therapeutic techniques, methods and interventions. Some therapists utilize specific treatment interventions such as: CBT, Reality Therapy, Person-Centered Therapy, Play Therapy and Brief Solution-Focused Therapy. While other therapists utilize one mode of Evidence Based Therapy, such as: Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavior Therapy, EMDR and DBT. WA psychotherapists utilize a combination of therapeutic techniques to achieve therapeutic goals. Our therapy goals provide a brief solution focus designed to maximize treatment outcomes and increase the development of effective coping skills to manage life stressors. WA Counseling Services offers mental health counseling services as the main component to our structured after-school program. Clients will receive one individual, one family, and daily group psychotherapy services. Individual psychotherapy services are focused on clinical diagnosis ranging from behavioral, social, and learning disorders.Winzai Amadi Employee Assistance Program is a new and innovative approach to EAP services with the ability to ensure confidentiality to the clients and increase employee productivity for the employer. Our EAP offers the following services:
Counseling Services, Mental Wellness Assessments, Training for HR Managers, Supervisors, Staff, Classes for Parenting and Substance Abuse, Self-Help Groups, Community Support Services to Referral to other resources.

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