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Law Office of Corey J Riddell

Corey Riddell

219 E Main St,PA,
15658,United States

At my office located in Ligonier, Pennsylvania, I focus my practice on criminal defense law and estate planning. I represent clients throughout Westmoreland County and the surrounding areas. If you live or work in the region and have been arrested on criminal charges, you should hire a criminal defense attorney who is committed to protecting your rights under United States and Pennsylvania law. Call my firm for a free phone consultation. My criminal defense practice encompasses all areas of criminal charges, from pursuing defense of traffic violations, including DUI offenses, to theft offenses and minor drug charges, such as possession of a small amount of marijuana, to defense of serious felony charges, including rape, sexual assault, kidnapping, false imprisonment and homicide. A DUI conviction or other criminal conviction, even on a misdemeanor offense, can affect your life from then on. Not only are the legal penalties severe, the consequences to your family, your career and your reputation can leave y...

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