Arts, Architect and Design >> Film, Television and Video >> Edward Gelber, M.D.

Edward Gelber, M.D.

Edward Gelber

26 Court Street, Suite 709,New York,
11242,United States

I treat adults and teenagers with diverse, evidence-based therapies. Specifically, I offer psychopharmacological treatment and psychotherapy.

Psychopharmacology services include treatment of anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, addictions, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder, schizophrenia, compulsions and impulse-control disorders.

I provide psychotherapy including cognitive-behavioral therapy for anxiety and depression, and psychodynamic psychotherapy. In addition to traditional in-office appointments, I offer the option of follow-up appointments by videoconference.

I am happy to see patients for medication treatment or psychotherapy, or combined medication/therapy treatment. If you are already under the care of a therapist and wish to add an additional component of medication treatment, I will work with your present therapist to create an integrated treatment plan.

Please contact me for an appointment or for information by calling my receptionist at (917) 818-3011.

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