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The Law Offices of Michael H. Raichelson

Michael Raichelson

1000 Town Center Dr. Suite 300 Oxnard CA 93036,,

If you have reached the stage where you feel bankruptcy may be your only way towards debt relief, you should not delay in consulting with an attorney who is an expert in bankruptcy law in California. Bankruptcy is highly complex, so it is in your best interest to consult with a knowledgeable lawyer in Ventura County, such as The Law Offices of Michael H. Raichelson, who focuses exclusively on this area of law. It is common that people in this situation are in such a state of fear and panic that they cannot think clearly, so before you make any decision, you need someone to sit down with you, and discuss your options clearly and strategically.

Bankruptcy law in California is incredibly complex, and one single false step can be disastrous. Finding a lawyer in Ventura County is absolutely essential, to ensure you get it right. The Law Offices of Michael H. Raichelson has helped over 1,000 individuals and businesses to not only develop a plan to resolve their debts, but to actually accomplish their goal of financial independence.
While a bankruptcy allows you to make a fresh start, you must take the first step. Do that today by contacting a Ventura County lawyer. Our firm has built up an unsurpassed degree of skill and experience in the area of bankruptcy law, and this means there is no bankruptcy law firm in Ventura County which will get you a better result.

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