Automotive >> Car Manufacturing >> Bursky's Lock & Key - auto locksmith

Bursky's Lock & Key - auto locksmith

Harry Bursky

Serving Area,MA,
02118,United States

Call Bursky's Lock & Key - auto locksmith at 617-514-0220 for fast, speedy, reliable and low cost service.

Bursky's Lock & Key - auto locksmith is the leading provider of auto locksmith services in Boston. When you cannot enter your car, for whatever reason, call us. We are number one when it comes to breaking into cars without a key. We never break a thing! We offer 24-hour emergency service. We go anywhere you need us, even to bad neighborhoods late at night. We work on all types of cars, trucks, and motorcycles. Transponder keys are never a problem. We do them.

Our locksmiths have comprehensive training in the different types of locks used by the automobile industry. No matter the make, model or year we can do it. 1930 Ford Model T, no problem, we have a transponder key replacement to fit it. And our prices, forgetaboutit. Low, low, low. Call us now at 617-514-0220.

Bursky's Lock & Key - auto locksmith specializes in high security locks, install master key systems, install panic hardware, re-keying, safes, security systems, 24/7 service, break-in repairs, cars unlocked, 247 emergency service, homes unlocked, locks re-keyed, peephole installation, radio-dispatched, remove broken keys, safes unlocked, car keys made, work evenings, work weekends, dead-bolts, digital door locks, door locks, gun locks, window bars, window locks, window gates, ignition switch keys, transponder keys, and broken key extractions.

Service or product: Locksmith service

Business hours: Mon-Sat: 9:00AM-7:00PM

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