Arts, Architect and Design >> Photography >> Camera Film Photo

Camera Film Photo

Vishal Sonjii

Room 1208, Greenfield Tower, Concordia Plaza, 1 Science Museum Road Tsim Sha Tsui East Kowloon 00000 Hong Kong,Hong Kong,
0000,Hong Kong

Headquartered in Germany, Camera Film Photo Limited is the mother companys Asia Pacific office. Managed by a photography aficionado for enthusiasts and professionals, Camera Film Photo Limited delights in capturing segments of time on film a medium that expresses and shares true-to-life moments. Emotions filter through and present a view of the world unique to the photographer: A visual narrative that needs no touch-ups, no digital enhancements. Film allows you to live in the moment over and over.A world within a world.Camera Film Photo Limited is a photography film online retailer. Products range from black and white film, and colour film, to camera filters, to camera film chemicals and camera accessories. Main shipping zone is Asia Pacific (including China and Japan).

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