Computers, Software and Internet >> Software >> LMS POS


John Stevens

69 Broadway,Massachusetts,
02474,United States

LMS provides an intuitive and seamless interface to handle all your transactions
LMS-POS is a powerful platform for retail, providing a full point of sale for liquor stores, convenience stores, and general retailers. In addition to the features of a typical point of sale, LMS is the first point of sale system designed with lottery merchants in mind. The system is specially developed to assist retailers with their lottery management.

LMS tracks lottery books both in boxes as well as in inventory. LMS tracks not just your inventory, but the age of books. The system automatically reconciles your daily and quarterly lottery sales, compiling automated reports for lottery vendors. Reports can easily be audited by managers, ensuring total accuracy and satisfaction. LMS has been researched and developed to handle these tasks, so that you can reinvest this time into running your business.

We offer training and support to ensure our clients have a thorough understanding of the software to leverage the system to its full potential.

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